James Comey: Trump 'Morally Unfit' To Be President Posted: 16 Apr 2018 04:38 AM PDT ## TOP STORIES
Gessen: Putin wants a rhetorical war without too many coffins Posted: 15 Apr 2018 12:40 PM PDT Masha Gessen, author of "The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia," says a war of words between Russia and the West serves Vladimir Putin better than an actual war.
Protests Erupt At Philly Starbucks Where 2 Black Men Were Arrested For 'Trespassing' Posted: 16 Apr 2018 09:35 AM PDT Protesters swarmed a Starbucks in Philadelphia on Monday, days after police
Man Survives Shark Attack: 'He Bee-Lined Straight at Me' Posted: 16 Apr 2018 10:58 AM PDT It was the second shark attack that day.
US warns more airstrikes on Syria possible Posted: 16 Apr 2018 07:25 AM PDT Israel is closely monitoring the events in Syria in the aftermath of the U.S. airstrikes; David Lee Miller reports from Golan Heights, Israel near the Syrian border.
Kentucky Gov. Bevin apologizes for child sex abuse remarks Posted: 15 Apr 2018 03:11 PM PDT FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin apologized Sunday for saying that children were sexually abused because they were left home alone while teachers rallied to ask lawmakers to override his vetoes.
Police investigate second angry daughter of Korean Air Lines chairman Posted: 16 Apr 2018 12:07 AM PDT (Corrects this April 13 story to add reference to a cup in paragraph three.) By Christine Kim and Joori Roh SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean police have launched an inquiry into reports a daughter of the chairman of Korean Air Lines threw a water bottle at someone's face, the second daughter of the airline chief to get into trouble over an angry outburst. Cho Hyun-min, a senior vice president at the airline, apologized on Thursday for her "foolish behavior", following media reports that she threw a water bottle at the face of a manager at the airline's advertising agency.
France's President Emmanuel Macron says he has 'convinced' Donald Trump to keep troops in Syria Posted: 15 Apr 2018 02:32 PM PDT French President Emmanuel Macron has said he has "convinced" Donald Trump to keep troops in Syria, as he defended the use of air strikes in the wake of an apparent chemical attack in Syria. The US, France and Britain launched more than 100 missiles targeting a number of what they said were three facilities linked to the chemical weapons programme, with Mr Macron saying that during the discussions President Trump was persuaded to drop the idea that Washington would be pulling out of Syria soon.
What Millennials Say About Their Parents During Therapy Posted: 16 Apr 2018 06:01 AM PDT Unlike some generations before them, millennials aren't afraid to put in time
Boy unearths legendary king Bluetooth's trove who brought Christianity to Denmark Posted: 16 Apr 2018 07:44 AM PDT A 13-year-old boy and an amateur archaeologist have unearthed a "significant" treasure trove in Germany which may have belonged to the legendary Danish king Harald Bluetooth who brought Christianity to Denmark. Rene Schoen and his student Luca Malaschnitschenko were looking for treasure using metal detectors in January on northern Ruegen island when they chanced upon what they initially thought was a worthless piece of aluminium. But upon closer inspection, they realised that it was a shimmering piece of silver, German media reported. A dig covering 400 square metres (4,300 square feet) that finally started over the weekend by the regional archaeology service has since uncovered a trove believed linked to the Danish king who reigned from around 958 to 986. Braided necklaces, pearls, brooches, a Thor's hammer, rings and up to 600 chipped coins were found, including more than 100 that date back to Bluetooth's era. Amateur archaeologist Rene Schoen, left, and 13-year-old student Luca Malaschnichenko at the dig where the coins were found Credit: STEFAN SAUER/ DPA "This trove is the biggest single discovery of Bluetooth coins in the southern Baltic sea region and is therefore of great significance," lead archaeologist Michael Schirren told national news agency DPA. The oldest coin found in the trove is a Damascus dirham dating to 714 while the most recent is a penny dating to 983. The find suggests that the treasure may have been buried in the late 980s - also the period when Bluetooth was known to have fled to Pomerania where he died in 987. "We have here the rare case of a discovery that appears to corroborate historical sources," said archaeologist Detlef Jantzen. Bluetooth is credited with unifying Denmark. The Viking-born king also turned his back on old Norse religion and introduced Christianity to the Nordic country. But he was forced to flee to Pomerania after a rebellion led by his son Sven Gabelbart. Bluetooth's lasting legacy is found today in smartphones and laptops - the wireless Bluetooth technology is named after him, and the symbol is composed of the two Runes spelling out his initials R. B.
More Than 2,000 People Celebrated Pride In Mike Pence's Hometown Posted: 16 Apr 2018 11:40 AM PDT An LGBTQ pride festival that started out as a high schooler's class project
Woman Killed Stranger Who Looked Like Her So She Could Steal Her Identity: Police Posted: 16 Apr 2018 11:38 AM PDT A manhunt is underway for Lois Reiss, who also allegedly killed her husband.
50+ Perfect Mother's Day Gifts Under $50 Posted: 16 Apr 2018 07:55 AM PDT |
Analysis: Putin sits back as US, allies strike Syria Posted: 15 Apr 2018 12:13 AM PDT MOSCOW (AP) — Facing a stark choice between engaging the United States, Britain and France in combat or passively watching them strike his ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin has opted for the peaceful route.
Barbara Bush In 'Failing Health,' Won't Seek More Medical Treatment Posted: 15 Apr 2018 11:36 AM PDT Barbara Bush is in failing health and will not seek additional medical
Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst reveals HIV diagnosis Posted: 16 Apr 2018 05:33 AM PDT Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst has revealed she is HIV positive and has been living with the virus for years. Wurst, the onstage alter-ego of drag queen Thomas Neuwirth, said she was force to reveal the news after an ex-boyfriend had "threatened to go public." "I will not give anyone the right to frighten me and influence my life," the 29-year old wrote on Instagram. "Coming out is better than being outed by a third party." Wurst shot to fame after winning the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest with her song Rise Like a Phoenix. Wurst wrote that she had been receiving regular treatment for "several years." The virus is no longer detectable in her blood and not capable of being passed on, she said. heute ist der tag gekommen, mich für den rest meines lebens von einem damoklesschwert zu befreien: ich bin seit vielen jahren hiv-positiv. das ist für die öffentlichkeit eigentlich irrelevant, aber ein ex-freund droht mir, mit dieser privaten information an die öffentlichkeit zu gehen, und ich gebe auch in zukunft niemandem das recht, mir angst zu machen und mein leben derart zu beeinflussen. seit ich die diagnose erhalten habe, bin ich in medizinischer behandlung, und seit vielen jahren unterbrechungsfrei unter der nachweisgrenze, damit also nicht in der lage, den virus weiter zu geben. ich wollte aus mehreren gründen bisher nicht damit an die öffentlichkeit gehen, nur zwei davon will ich hier nennen: der wichtigste war mir meine familie, die seit dem ersten tag bescheid weiss und mich bedingungslos unterstützt hat. ihnen hätte ich die aufmerksamkeit für den hiv-status ihres sohnes, enkels und bruders gerne erspart. genauso wissen meine freunde seit geraumer zeit bescheid und gehen in einer unbefangenheit damit um, die ich jeder und jedem betroffenen wünschen würde. zweitens ist es eine information, die meiner meinung nach hauptsächlich für diejenigen menschen von relevanz ist, mit denen sexueller kontakt infrage kommt. coming out ist besser als von dritten geoutet zu werden. ich hoffe, mut zu machen und einen weiteren schritt zu setzen gegen die stigmatisierung von menschen, die sich durch ihr eigenes verhalten oder aber unverschuldet mit hiv infiziert haben. an meine fans: die information über meinen hiv-status mag neu für euch sein – mein status ist es nicht! es geht mir gesundheitlich gut, und ich bin stärker, motivierter und befreiter denn je. danke für eure unterstützung! A post shared by conchita (@conchitawurst) on Apr 15, 2018 at 12:01pm PDT "I hope to encourage (others) and make a step against the stigmatisation of people who through their own behaviour or through no fault of their own were infected with HIV," she said. "To my fans: the information about my hiv status may be new to you - my status is not! I'm well and... I'm stronger, more motivated and liberated than ever. Thank you for your support!" Wurst had wanted to keep the information secret to protect her family, who knew about her condition, and because it was only relevant to her former partners, she said. The Terrence Higgins trust, which campaigns on HIV issues, said that threatening to reveal someone's HIV diagnosis was "entirely wrong." Its chief executive, Ian Green applauded Wurst's response. "The decision to talk openly about your HIV status should be a personal one and not taken away or ever, ever used as a threat. Threatening to reveal someone's HIV status, under any circumstances, is entirely wrong," Green said. "What other health condition would be used as blackmail against someone? And we know this isn't something which only happens to those in the public eye. "We applaud Conchita for handling this with such dignity and including in her post that people living with HIV who are on effective treatment, like her, can't pass the virus on."
Insane Crash Through Intersection Ends High-Speed Police Chase Posted: 16 Apr 2018 05:22 AM PDT It was all caught on video.
Assad's children visited Crimean holiday camp, Russian lawmaker says Posted: 15 Apr 2018 07:17 AM PDT Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's children last year visited a holiday camp in Russian-annexed Crimea, the RIA news agency cited a Russian lawmaker as saying on Sunday. Assad met a group of Russian lawmakers in Damascus on Sunday after the West launched missile strikes against Syria over a suspected poison gas attack. Lawmaker Dmitry Sablin told RIA that Assad had said his children visited the Artek holiday camp in Crimea last year.
Starbucks CEO Wants to Apologize Personally to Black Men Arrested in Philadelphia Store Posted: 15 Apr 2018 06:54 AM PDT Kevin Johnson called the situation 'disheartening' and 'reprehensible'
All The Cars You Can Buy With Four-Wheel Steering Posted: 16 Apr 2018 07:33 AM PDT |
Pope 'deeply disturbed' by lack of common response to Syria Posted: 15 Apr 2018 05:30 AM PDT VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis told the faithful in St. Peter's Square that he is "deeply disturbed" by the international community's failure to come up with a common response to the crisis in Syria and other parts of the world.
2 bodies, vehicle found after California family's SUV went into river Posted: 16 Apr 2018 11:55 AM PDT Two bodies have been found in the search for a missing Southern California family after their SUV plunged into a Northern California river.
New York Times Calls On GOP To Protect Rule Of Law From Donald Trump Posted: 15 Apr 2018 08:27 PM PDT In a somber editorial, The New York Times has called on the Republican Party
Japan 'rare earth' haul sparks hopes of cutting China reliance Posted: 14 Apr 2018 08:40 PM PDT The discovery of potentially millions of tons of valuable "rare earth" elements in sea sludge off Japan has raised hopes that Asia's number-two economy can reduce its dependence on Chinese supply. A Japanese study published last week revealed an estimated 16 million tons of rare earths, enough to feed global demand on a "semi-infinite" basis, with deposits to last hundreds of years. The news made headlines internationally and in Japan, which is the world's second-largest consumer of these minerals but relies heavily on imports from China, which controls 90 percent of the highly strategic market.
R. Kelly Accused Of 'Knowingly And Intentionally' Infecting Woman With STD Posted: 16 Apr 2018 08:52 AM PDT A woman told Dallas police R&B singer R. Kelly "knowingly and intentionally"
Merkel's tougher Russia stance meets resistance in Germany Posted: 16 Apr 2018 08:55 AM PDT By Markus Wacket and Thomas Escritt BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's Europe minister called on Monday for a new policy of easing tensions with Russia, adding to a chorus of voices pressing Chancellor Angela Merkel to moderate her hardened stance towards the Kremlin. The conservative chancellor swung behind Britain after the poison attack on a former Russian double agent in England last month, expelling four diplomats despite uneasiness among a political class that is wary of confrontation with Germany's giant eastern neighbour. Europe Minister Michael Roth, a member of the Social Democrat party (SPD), said that while the European Union needed a united front on Russia, sanctions should aim to bring Moscow to the negotiating table.
Devel Sixteen Acceleration Video Leaves Us Wanting More Posted: 16 Apr 2018 12:46 AM PDT Because the driver was only using 20 percent of the available throttle, the acceleration is not what you'd call impressive.
Raul Castro leaves Cuba with new freedoms, deep problems Posted: 16 Apr 2018 07:11 AM PDT HAVANA (AP) — In 2008 Raul Castro took over a country where most people couldn't own computers or cellphones, leave without permission, run most types of private businesses or enter resort hotels.
Canada Dog 'Arrested' For Chasing Deer, Ends Up Behind Bars Posted: 16 Apr 2018 12:55 PM PDT The Canadian pup just doesn't like deer, his owner says.
May, Macron face lawmakers angry over Syria strikes Posted: 16 Apr 2018 03:41 AM PDT British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday faced anger from lawmakers for conducting air strikes with the United States in Syria in their first major military action since coming to power. May was due to address MPs after proceeding with the joint strikes without prior parliamentary approval -- a sensitive subject in Britain where memories of participation in the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 are still raw. Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, has said the strikes were "legally questionable" and called for new legislation to stop governments launching military action without lawmakers' backing in most circumstances.
American Airlines resumes flying over Russian airspace after one-day halt Posted: 15 Apr 2018 07:19 PM PDT (Reuters) - American Airlines Group Inc on Sunday resumed flying routes that use Russian airspace after having rerouted flights on Saturday due to its monitoring of "global geopolitical issues", a spokesman said. U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday evening announced military strikes targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's chemical weapons capabilities. On Saturday, American Airlines' Dallas-Beijing, Dallas-Hong Kong and Chicago-Beijing flights had stopped in Los Angeles to refuel because the routes cannot be flown non-stop without the use of Russian airspace. ...
Mother Gorilla Cradles Her Newborn Son at Smithsonian National Zoo Posted: 16 Apr 2018 09:56 AM PDT Calaya, 15, gave birth to her son, Moke, on Sunday, the zoo said.
32 Sizzling Meat Recipes for the Grill Posted: 15 Apr 2018 10:22 AM PDT |
Reports: Police moved past deputies to enter Florida school Posted: 16 Apr 2018 01:50 PM PDT FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — When Coral Springs police officer Gil Monzon arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School minutes after a gunman unleashed a massacre that killed 17, he says he found two Broward County sheriff's deputies in the parking lot.
Khloe Kardashian And Tristan Thompson Named Their Baby Girl True Posted: 16 Apr 2018 12:29 PM PDT Khloe Kardashian announced Monday that she and boyfriend Tristan Thompson have
Four Palestinian militants dead in Gaza blast Posted: 14 Apr 2018 07:06 PM PDT The Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group said four of its members were killed in an apparent accidental blast in the Gaza Strip on Saturday. It usually employs those terms to refer to casualties caused by the accidental detonation of weapons or explosives used in attacks against Israel. The Gaza Health Ministry confirmed four fatalities in the incident.
US, LatAm countries warn Venezuela over presidential election Posted: 14 Apr 2018 06:41 PM PDT The United States and more than a dozen Latin American countries on Saturday warned Venezuela its presidential election next month would be seen as illegitimate by the region unless it restored democratic standards. The May 20 poll would be "void of legitimacy and credibility" if it went ahead under current conditions, the nations said in a joint declaration released at a Summit of the Americas in Peru. Venezuela's opposition says President Nicolas Maduro has prepared a rigged snap election to deliver him a new mandate and tighten his hold over his economically devastated country.
Some Tesla Model 3 cars haunted by "phantom touch" and "vampire draw" Posted: 16 Apr 2018 08:40 AM PDT At this point, the variable build quality of early Tesla Model 3 electric cars has been well documented. One of the main issues is the "phantom touch" on the car's all-important central display. The phantom touch is what Green Car Reports reader Jeff Southern of Atlanta suffered in his car before he invited us to drive it for our full review.
Senators introduce new war powers resolution Posted: 16 Apr 2018 04:01 PM PDT WASHINGTON (AP) — The chairman and other members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee unveiled a bipartisan resolution Monday authorizing the use of military force overseas, accelerating a debate that Congress has been reluctant to have, but that's taking on new urgency after President Donald Trump's strikes on Syria.
USGS reports 3.9-magnitude earthquake struck near Alum Rock in San Jose Posted: 16 Apr 2018 11:34 AM PDT USGS officials are reporting a magnitude-3.9 earthquake struck near Alum Rock in San Jose this morning.
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