Post-debate and hospitalization, Trump falls further behind Biden in national polls Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT With the 2020 election exactly four weeks away, former Vice President Joe Biden is leading President Trump in every national poll, opening up a significant advantage in surveys taken since the first presidential debate.
Postal worker charged after nearly 2,000 pieces of mail, including ballots, found in trash Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT U.S. Attorney Sara Merin said Nicholas Beauchene admitted to dumping the mail, though there was "no indication that there was any political motive."
NYC Orthodox Community Holds Protest Over New COVID Restrictions, Chants ‘Jewish Lives Matter’ Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:28 AM PDT Hundreds of members of the Borough Park Orthodox community filled the streets Tuesday night to protest new restrictions imposed on neighborhoods with a surge in COVID-19 cases, which include a limit on synagogue attendance and the closure of schools and non-essential businesses.The demonstrations, held into early Wednesday morning, grew more chaotic as the night wore on and protesters resisted orders to disperse: one person was injured "from a physical confrontation with other congregant(s)," protesters set a fire in the middle of a crosswalk and threw cardboard boxes and masks into the flames, according to NBC New York.A significant part of Borough Park faces the new tightened restrictions which limits houses of worship to 10 people or 25 percent capacity and completely closes schools and non-essential businesses. The area is subject to the most restrictive of three color-coded categories which are assigned by coronavirus case data.The neighborhood is among nine in New York City's "red zone" where the coronavirus positivity rate has held above 3 percent for seven straight days. Some members of the Orthodox community say they feel they have been unfairly blamed for the rise in cases.Community activist Heshy Tischler spoke to a large crowd that gathered on the corner of 50th Street and 15th Avenue around 9 p.m., blasting New York governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City mayor Bill de Blasio over the restrictions which must be enforced no later than Friday, the New York Post reported. "It's called civil disobedience, we can fight back," Tischler said after tearing up his face mask. "Do not allow them to torture you or scare you," he said, referring to elected officials. At another protest on 13th Avenue, councilman Kalman Yeger told the crowd: "We are not going to be deprived of the right that we have in America, like everybody else in America, the right to observe our religion," according to Boro Park News.As demonstrations continued late into the night, the number of protesters grew, with a group shutting down 13th Avenue to vehicular traffic at one point. According to the New York Post, after two city sheriff's deputies responded to a rubbish fire at the intersection of 46th Street and 13th Avenue after midnight, protesters chased them away and chanted "Jewish lives matter" as they held their ground. The fire was later extinguished around 1:30 am by FDNY firefighters and police. Police say no arrests or summonses were issued, according to NBC.Yeger and three other Jewish lawmakers — State Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and Councilman Chaim Deutsch — released a joint statement earlier on Tuesday sharply criticizing the governor for the restrictions and the Cuomo administration's "lack of coordination and communication with local officials.""We are appalled by Governor Cuomo's words and actions today. He has chosen to pursue a scientifically and constitutionally questionable shutdown of our communities," the statement read."His administration's utter lack of coordination and communication with local officials has been an ongoing issue since the start of the pandemic, and particularly recently as we face this uptick," the lawmakers continued.The group said though they represent areas where COVID-19 has spiked, Cuomo's administration had not kept them in the loop leading up to Tuesday's decision to shut down the hot spots.They also slammed Cuomo's use of images of large gatherings of New York's Jewish community — one of which was a 14-year-old photo — in a PowerPoint during his Monday press briefing. "Governor Cuomo's choice to single out a particular religious group, complete with a slideshow of photos to highlight his point, was outrageous," the lawmakers wrote. "His language was dangerous and divisive, and left the implication that Orthodox Jews alone are responsible for rising COVID cases in New York State."
Vigil for black man killed by white officer in Texas thrown into chaos as white gunman arrives ‘to protect my city' Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT A vigil for a black Texas man shot and killed by a white police officer turned tense when a white gunman arrived
St. Louis husband and wife who pointed guns at protesters are indicted Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:11 PM PDT Mark and Patricia McCloskey were each indicted on charges of exhibiting a firearm and tampering with evidence.
US surgeon general cited for being in closed Hawaii park Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT The U.S. surgeon general was cited for being in a closed Hawaii park in August while in the islands helping with surge testing amid a spike in coronavirus cases, according to a criminal complaint filed in court. A Honolulu police officer cited Jerome Adams after seeing him with two men "looking at the view taking pictures" at Kualoa Regional Park on Oahu's northeastern coast, the citation said. Adams told the officer he was visiting Hawaii to work with the governor for COVID-19 and didn't know parks were closed.
Kamala Harris should make Mike Pence debate Christian values Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:50 AM PDT Wednesday night's vice presidential debate probably shouldn't be happening. With coronavirus spreading quickly through the Trump administration, Mike Pence may pose a legitimate health risk to Kamala Harris and the debate's moderator, USA Today's Susan Page. Given those real dangers, the Commission on Presidential Debates has decided to move the candidates from standing seven to now 13 feet apart and has approved the installation of a plexiglass barrier between Harris and Pence. Pence's team, as Politico reported on Monday, opposed the barrier. "If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it," Pence's spokeswoman, Katie Miller, mockingly responded to the decision.That response is completely in keeping with how dangerously this administration, especially Trump, has downplayed the pandemic, even at its own peril. Trump's taunting of Biden at last week's presidential debate for his mask wearing, we now know, came just hours before the president tested positive for the virus.Pence is unlikely to show such bluster on Wednesday night. While most of Trump world has used the president's COVID-19 diagnosis to extravagantly extol his superhuman status and aggressively attack reporters asking legitimate questions about his condition, the sanctimonious Pence will likely take a different tack, piously praising Trump's medical team and thanking the American people for their prayers. In an administration full of crooks and con men, Pence has always dutifully played the part of innocent choir boy.That's been his role from the start. Back in 2016, Trump picked Pence, a failing governor of a small state, as his running mate for the sole purpose of bolstering his standing with white evangelicals. If religious conservatives felt unsure about voting for the thrice-married casino magnate and serial adulterer, Pence's presence on the ticket convinced many — or at least provided them with a handy excuse — to vote for Trump. We may never know if Trump really needed Pence to capture the 81 percent of white evangelicals who voted for him in 2016. But their continued fervent enthusiasm for the president — they remain Trump's strongest base of support — suggests Pence has never been the difference maker.Still, the overly-ambitious Pence knows what works with the base. "I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order," Pence often likes to dramatically say, a line that is as unctuous as it is untrue. But even if he doesn't use those gimmicky words tonight, Harris, the former prosecutor, should hold them up as a damning indictment against Pence. Nearly four years into the administration, Pence has shown that more than anything, he's a Trumper through and through, a willing accomplice to the president's worst habits and actions rather than a consistent voice for any real principles, Christian or otherwise.With more than 200,000 Americans dead from coronavirus, Pence's exaggerated religiosity may strike many Americans as particularly galling. The cruel indifference the Trump administration has shown to the suffering of ordinary Americans, not only in this pandemic but especially so, is a deep moral failing as much as it is a political one. While Pence is likely to seize on topics like abortion rights or "religious liberty" as moments to speak about his personal faith, as he did in his 2016 debate with Tim Kaine, Harris should steer the conversation about 2020's most urgent issue to make Pence account for the administration's botched handling of coronavirus on the Christian grounds he claims to hold so fiercely. How does a self-described pro-life, pro-family presidency, she might ask, preside so poorly over a pandemic that has destroyed thousands of American lives and families?Beyond coronavirus, Harris might ask how an administration that has separated children from their families and caged them at the border, has ignored the perilous plight of persons of color while coddling white nationalists, and has closed the nation's doors to those seeking asylum and refuge, including religious minorities, fulfills the Scripture's command to care for "the least of these"? Does Pence's religious charity extend to those who aren't white evangelicals?None of this questioning would amount to religious ridicule of Pence, it should be said. Quite the opposite. Rather, should Harris cross-examine Pence on how his Christian faith squares with what the Trump administration has been doing, she might present it as indicative of her own sincere respect for his expressed values as much as a shrewd debate tactic. Rather than reflexively conceding the moral high ground to a performatively devout Republican politician as Democrats have so often done, Harris could question Pence on the very religious terms that he promotes himself.If Pence, as expected, presents a Trump presidency as the last defense against godless secularism that a Democratic win would bring about — a strange charge against the churchgoing Biden — Harris should hold Pence responsible for the absolute hell on earth that Trump's presidency has brought to bear.More stories from The myth of Mike Pence's appeal Trump is shockingly bad at this Is Joe Biden the Konrad Adenauer of the U.S.?
Rhea Chakraborty: Bollywood actor granted bail after nearly a month Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT She was arrested in a drugs case related to the death of her actor-boyfriend Sushant Singh Rajput.
Hurricane Delta rapidly intensifies, likely to hit Gulf Coast Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:20 AM PDT Delta is forecast to make landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast around Friday.
Biden: If Trump still has COVID-19 'we shouldn’t have a debate' Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:59 PM PDT Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that if President Trump is still testing positive for COVID-19 that the two candidates "shouldn't have a debate."
Volcanic eruption turned man's brain into glass, 'froze' brain cells 2,000 years ago, scientists find Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:09 AM PDT Italian scientists found intact brain cells in a man who was killed during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
German Official Suppressed Intel Report on China to Protect Business Ties: Report Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT A senior German government official suppressed a 2018 intelligence report on China's influence in Germany for fear of damaging business relationships between the two countries, Axios reported on Tuesday.The report detailed China's growing attempts to influence German society, business, and politics, two U.S. intelligence officials said. However, a high-ranking official moved to prevent the report from being disseminated throughout the German government. Only small number of senior officials have read the report, including Chancellor Angela Merkel."As a matter of principle, the German government does not comment on matters concerning intelligence findings or activities of the intelligence services," a government spokesperson told Axios.The news comes after Chancellor Merkel in September refused to ban Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei from operating on 5G networks in the country, bucking U.S. pressure to block the company. The U.S. considers Huawei a threat to national security, contending that the Chinese government can use Huawei networks to conduct espionage operations.The U.K. banned Huawei in July after a U.S. pressure campaign, while France has tightened controls on its 5G networks that prevent Huawei from operating freely.German businesses have invested heavily in partnerships with China. Automaker Volkswagen currently operates a factory in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Province, where China is conducting a campaign of mass imprisonment and indoctrination of Muslims in detention camps. Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess claimed in 2019 that he was "not aware" of the existence of the camps.
As Bangladesh hosts over a million Rohingya refugees, a scholar explains what motivated the country to open up its borders Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:17 AM PDT Over 1.1 million Rohingyas continue to remain stranded in crowded camps in Bangladesh while the international community fails to provide a resolution to the crisis. When in 2017 this lower-middle-income, majority Muslim country opened its borders to the Rohingya fleeing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, they were largely welcomed. Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stated back then: "We have the ability to feed 160 million people of Bangladesh and we have enough food security to feed the 700,000 refugees." It wasn't just the government. Many private citizens came forward to offer assistance. Existing data indicates that 86% of residents in Teknaf, which is the closest administrative region to the Rakhine state from which most Rohingya originate, were involved in providing emergency relief and housing to the new arrivals. In an era when many rich nations have tried to stop the entry of refugees, Bangladesh's decision to accept refugees in the early days of the crisis could seem puzzling. A scholar of refugees and forced migration, I spent the summer of 2019 in Bangladesh to understand the forces that shaped this initial humanitarian response. Faith and moralityMy ongoing research indicates that many factors played a critical role in Bangladesh's political decision to host the Rohingya, including the country's cultural and religious identity, which centers around ideas of community and responding to those in need.Interviews conducted with political leaders, NGOs and local volunteers revealed that the shared Islamic faith and the Muslim identity of many of the Bangladeshis and the vast majority of the Rohingya galvanized humanitarian assistance in two specific ways. First, the Islamic concepts of "zakat," obligatory charity, which is one of the five pillars of Islam, and that of "sadaqa," or voluntary charity, played crucial roles in motivating private citizens to offer emergency assistance. Both these concepts emphasize the imperative to give to those in need. Religious leaders also used these concepts to encourage donations. In her 2019 address to the United Nations, Prime Minister Hasina referred to humanitarianism in Islam to explain her border policy. Second, the fact that the Muslim Rohingya in particular were being persecuted because of their faith compounded the sense of urgency among those who identified as Muslim to assist the Rohingya. While the vast majority of the Rohingya who fled to Bangladesh were Muslim, smaller numbers of Hindu and Christian Rohingya who arrived with the influx also received emergency assistance and shelter.However, not all those who were interviewed invoked religion to explain their actions. A medical volunteer interviewed for the research said, "Why did we respond? Because it was … the moral thing to do, the humanitarian thing to do. Why shouldn't we? The crisis had literally arrived at our house. How could we even think of turning them away?" Role of culture and historyA recurrent theme in my research was the emphasis around Bangladeshi culture with its focus on sharing one's resources with others in need. Furthermore, like many other countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, which are commonly referred to as the global south, Bangladesh has historically had a fluid border – with Myanmar and India. People move across these borders for agricultural purposes. Marriages between Rohingya and Bangladeshis have been common, and the local population and the Rohingya are able to understand one another's languages.According to a 2018 survey, 81% of respondents believed that the local integration of the Rohingya is possible given that the vast majority of the local population and the Rohingya share many religious, cultural and linguistic practices. Memories of past traumaThe legacy of a painful past also played a role for many Bangladeshis. In 1971, during Bangladesh's war of independence from then West Pakistan (now Pakistan) 10 million Bengalis sought refuge in India to escape a campaign of genocide by the then West Pakistan military. A number of those interviewed for my research underscored the historical memory of this event as being a catalyst for explaining Bangladesh's decision to open its borders. Prime Minister Hasina invoked this history in her 2017 address at the United Nations. She talked about her own experience as a refugee following the 1975 assassination of her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Known as the "Father of the Nation," Mujibur Rahman played a key role in Bangladeshi's independence movement.A researcher of Bangladesh's independence struggle stated, "The loss she suffered with the assassination of her whole family except her one sister who was abroad at the time, and the inability to return to her country following the tragedy has had a lasting impact on her life … something about the desperation of those people connected with her on a very personal level and she wanted to do something to help." Leadership in uncertain timesIn recent years, Bangladesh has demonstrated a growing interest in matters of international peace and security. It has received awards from the United Nations for fighting climate change and meeting goals of its immunization program, and it remains the largest contributor to U.N. peacekeeping operations. Since 2017, Bangladesh has submitted three proposals at the United Nations General Assembly to address the Rohingya crisis, including in 2019, drawing support from Rohingya activists. Bangladesh, however, is not a state party to the 1951 Refugee Convention, the post-World War II legal document that defines the term "refugee," the obligations of states to protect them, including not returning any individual to a country where they would face torture, or degrading treatment. Instead, Bangladesh refers to the Rohingya as Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs). This means that, officially, the Rohingya do not have a legally protected status in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, low-and middle-income countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, which are not state parties to the convention, are among the largest refugee-hosting countries in the world. Disproportionate burdenHowever, in recent times, as the Rohingya situation becomes more protracted, Bangladesh is starting to face internal tensions as prospects for repatriation become less likely.The large refugee population has imposed significant infrastructural, social, financial and environmental pressures and has raised concerns about land insecurity – a serious issue in an overpopulated country. My research further indicated that the significant presence of international NGOs in the Cox's Bazar area, home to the world's largest refugee camp, is impacting the local economy by driving up prices. Local tensions have emerged over government and international aid that has been largely geared toward the Rohingya. In a change of tone, at a three-day Dhaka Global Dialogue in 2019, Prime Minister Hasina referred to the Rohingya as a "threat to the security" of the region. In 2020, Bangladesh began building barbed-wire fencing and installing watchtowers around the camps, citing security concerns. A restriction on access to high-speed internet in the camps was imposed but recently lifted. With the emergence of COVID-19 in the camps, additional challenges have emerged. These have included the spread of infection in cramped camps that lack access to water and testing as well as limited understanding about the virus. [Deep knowledge, daily. Sign up for The Conversation's newsletter.]Meanwhile, Myanmar's reluctance to ensure a safe return for the Rohingya, and the realities of COVID-19, have made the prospects of repatriation increasingly dim. As Bangladesh grapples with the pandemic while serving as one of the world's largest refugee host countries, it serves as a reminder of the disproportionate responsibility carried by low-income countries of hosting refugees and the challenges therein.This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.Read more: * I visited the Rohingya camps in Myanmar and here is what I saw * Myanmar charged with genocide of Rohingya Muslims: 5 essential readsTazreena Sajjad does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
New questions arise after chemical weapons body confirms Novichok in Navalny's blood Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:01 AM PDT "This publicly unknown nerve agent has, to date, not been officially listed by the OPCW," the German government said.
Clever-Approved Halloween Decorations Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT |
Allegations of personal misconduct by Democrat Cal Cunningham causes turmoil in N. Carolina senate race Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:50 AM PDT A race in North Carolina critical to control of the U.S. Senate has been thrown into turmoil over allegations of personal misconduct by Democrat Cal Cunningham, a married man who reportedly had an extramarital relationship this summer with a consultant.
Florida man arrested for threatening census taker with gun Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:28 AM PDT A Florida man was arrested for using an assault-style weapon to threaten a census taker who had come to his house for the nationwide count of every U.S. resident. Michael Cooper, 32, was arrested Monday after threatening census taker Johnny Swinney, according to a police report. Neighbors told deputies that Swinney's U.S. Census Bureau badge was clearly identifiable when he approached Cooper sitting on the porch of his home and the census taker identified himself as a federal worker, according to an incident report.
Report: White House chief of staff blocking new coronavirus vaccine guidelines Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT The White House is blocking strict new coronavirus vaccine guidelines proposed by the Food and Drug Administration due to a provision that would likely prevent any vaccine from being authorized before the November election, several people familiar with the matter told The New York Times. The guidelines are intended to reassure the public that coronavirus vaccines are being held to a common standard, the Times reports. They were submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for approval on Sept. 21, but White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has intervened, questioning the need for researchers to follow vaccine trial volunteers for two months after they receive their final dose. Per the guidelines, this would have to happen before authorization is granted for a vaccine, with FDA officials saying it's necessary to determine if there are side effects and to make sure the vaccine protects people for longer than a few weeks.Trump has been promising a vaccine and pushing for one to be released before the Nov. 3 presidential election, and under the guidelines it is highly unlikely a vaccine would be authorized before then. The FDA is now going around the White House, the Times reports, and will share the guidelines with an outside advisory committee with the hope that they will enforce the standards. Read more at The New York Times.More stories from President Superspreader Trump is finally doubling down on COVID skepticism 5 worrying red flags from Trump's doctor
Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Trump loses support among 3 key demographics after debate, COVID-19 diagnosis Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT Voters who disapprove of both candidates, those who voted for different parties in 2016 and 2018, and college-educated white women are moving toward Biden.
DOJ charges British IS members in deaths of Western hostages Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT The Justice Department unsealed charges Wednesday against two Islamic State militants from Britain, accusing them of carrying out a gruesome campaign of torture, beheadings and other acts of violence against Western hostages they had captured in Syria, including four Americans.
Russia fires hypersonic missile in birthday blast for Vladimir Putin Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:20 AM PDT Russia's armed forces marked birthday of President Vladimir Putin's 68th birthday with the successful test launch of a hypersonic missile. The Tsikron missile, which can travel at 8 times the speed of sound, was launched on Tuesday from a vessel in the White Sea in Russia's north-west, said the chief of the General Staff, Gen. Valery Gerasimov. It successfully hit its target in the Barents Sea, he added. The missile covered a distance of 450 kilometres in four and half-minutes after reaching a hypersonic speed of more than Mach 8. President Putin takes pride in hypersonic weapons, contrasting Russia's status as world-leader in their development with the Cold War when Moscow played catch-up to the US in terms of military technology. Mr Putin praised the test in remarks broadcast on television: "This is a major event not only in the life of the armed forces but also for all of Russia, for the whole country." Mr Putin has previously argued that Russia had to develop new weapons in response to the development of the US missile defence system that threatens to erode Russia's nuclear deterrent.
Tesla has reportedly accused an employee of 'maliciously sabotaging' part of its factory in a leaked email Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:33 AM PDT Tesla told workers the alleged incident affected "a few hours" of factory run time and that the person had been fired, according to a new report.
Cocaine-laden plane crashes in Mexico after airborne pursuit Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:44 PM PDT |
Trump falsely accuses Biden of support for abortion 'up until the time of birth, and beyond' Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT President Trump on Tuesday responded to Joe Biden's vow to make the Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion the "law of the land" with a tweet falsely suggesting Biden wants to kill babies after they are born.
‘We watched him fade away’: Judge recalls the moment her son was shot dead by disgruntled anti-feminist lawyer Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT 'I know that he hated me because I was a woman. He hated me because I was Latina. And that was the source of hate. I had the 'nerve' to become a judge'
On trip to China's backyard, Pompeo boosts anti-Beijing 'Quad' alliance Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:13 AM PDT The foreign ministers of the United States, Japan, Australia and India — known as the "Quad" alliance — last met in New York in 2019.
The IRS is under investigation for buying Americans' smartphone location data from private surveillance companies Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT Buying location data directly from private companies lets government agencies sidestep the need for a court-issued search warrant.
United Airlines pilot dies in small plane crash while on honeymoon in Colorado Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:48 AM PDT Costas John Sivyllis and Lindsey Vogelaar were on their way home from their honeymoon in Telluride, Colorado when their small plane crashed Monday.
Cat 4 Hurricane Delta expected to approach the Gulf Coast as large Cat 3 storm Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:29 AM PDT Delta has exploded from a tropical storm to a Category 4 hurricane in the last two days, and the latest predictions show it could be nearly a Cat 5 by the time it crashes into the Yucatán Peninsula on Wednesday and remain a powerful Cat 3 by the time it reaches the northern Gulf Coast later this week.
Murder suspect allegedly wore fake beard, Blackface makeup disguise during Texas shooting Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT A murder suspect in Texas allegedly wore dark makeup and a fake beard to disguise himself as a Black person during a shooting. The Dallas Morning News reported Andrew Charles Beard created a disguise using a dark-brown shade of foundation and a fake beard to assume a new appearance for his violent crime. The 33-year-old allegedly shot and stabbed Alyssa Burkett, 24, as she entered her property manager job.
Hunt on for Indian tiger after eighth human kill Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:23 AM PDT Indian authorities are hunting for a tiger which has killed eight people in the last two years after another fatal attack, officials said Wednesday.
Biden says Trump's behavior may have put president at risk of COVID-19 Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT "Anybody who contracts the virus by essentially saying masks don't matter, social distance doesn't matter, are responsible for what happens to them," Joe Biden said during an NBC News town hall in Miami.
Duo win Nobel Prize in chemistry, a first for a women-only team Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:03 AM PDT A women-only team has won a Nobel science prize for the first time, for their work on a gene-editing technique.
Louisville SWAT team tells investigators raid on Breonna Taylor’s home was an ‘egregious act’ Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT Several members of the Louisville Metro Police Department's SWAT unit responded to the raid on 13 March
Nearly one-third of hospitalized COVID-19 patients develop brain malfunction, study finds Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:28 AM PDT Almost one-third of the patients hospitalized with COVID-19 developed encephalopathy – a degeneration of brain function – according to a study by Northwestern Medicine in Chicago.
Where’s Jim Cantore? Sign urges weatherman to ‘stay home’ as hurricane nears Louisiana Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:56 AM PDT Here's how the weatherman responded.
T-Rex fossil sells for record-breaking $31.8 mn Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:40 PM PDT One of the most complete specimens of a T-Rex fossil in the world was sold for a record $31.8 million Tuesday by Christie's in New York, nearly quadrupling the previous highest price for a dinosaur at auction.
Trump spends a morning at home tweeting his heart out Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT Plummeting in the polls and confined to the White House with nothing on his public schedule, President Trump spent much of Wednesday morning in a frenzy of tweets and retweets.
Tana Mongeau says her promise to send free nudes to Biden voters was sarcastic: 'That would be illegal and weird' Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:28 AM PDT Numerous outlets and commentators speculated that Mongeau had committed election fraud by offering nudes for Biden votes.
Iran's Rouhani slams sending fighters to Nagorno-Karabakh Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:19 AM PDT Iran's President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday warned that his country will not tolerate the presence of foreign fighters — "terrorists that Iran has fought for years" — near its northern border, where a conflict is raging between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Rouhani did not elaborate but Armenia accuses Ankara of sending Turkish-backed Syrian fighters to the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan.
Family’s battle with hospital over ‘brain dead’ son to be decided in Texas court Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:32 AM PDT Nick Torres was found unresponsive in bathtub in September